
Best Characters In Marvel Puzzle Quest

When Marvel Puzzle Quest debuted in 2013, information technology may have seemed similar just another friction match-3 in an body of water of them, but players familiar with the Puzzle Quest series suspected it might warrant a closer look, and they were right. The combination of high production values, a ruddy-hot license, online competition and nuanced, yet piece of cake to grasp gameplay proved to be a hit, and the game has been thriving e'er since.

In one case of the secrets to its longevity is the constant addition of new content, primarily in the form of new characters. While the first version only offered 23, each with their own powers and abilities, the developers take been adding more and more over time, and devotees of the game find the lure of growing their roster incommunicable to resist. At the moment, there are 115 to collect and more are always on the mode.

Given that the cast of heroes and villains has grown so large, this list will take a stab at ranking them—but it's not just a simple numbered inaugural. Characters in MPQ are divided into different rarities, so a newcomer tin't just check who's in the top ten, grab them, and start winning. No, climbing to the top of MPQ'south ranks is a boring process, then this listing will charge per unit each tier of rarity separately. It still gives a good idea of who'southward top of the heap overall, but players who aren't even so in the upper ranks can run across who's the best for the level that they're at, and shoot for those characters as a means of carving a path to the top.

Ane-Star Characters


115. Yelena Belova (Night Avengers): Poor Yelena. Most people don't even know who she is, and she'south also the worst character in the weakest tier. She's only got two powers, they cost a lot to apply, and they're not effective. Plus, she wants to exist Blackness Widow… Information technology's kinda creepy.


114. Hawkeye (Archetype): While I really like Hawkeye's powers because their power to target specific areas of the board is corking, they price too much and don't pack much punch. He's fun to apply, but fun without power doesn't win a lot of matches.


113. Storm (Mod): This version of Storm isn't bad at all, simply as is the instance with virtually characters in this tier, she's pretty weak. Her enhanced versions are solid, but in that location are better choices in this rank. I love her outfit, though. This is my favorite iteration of Ororo Munroe.


112. Venom (Night Avengers): Poor Venom. He used to be able to stun a whole team and devour anyone in one seize with teeth. He got nerfed when other webmaking characters joined the game and changed the dynamics of the power, and he's just a shadow of his former nasty self at present.


111. Spider-Man (Original): I dear the history represented in this character. Calling back to his first appearance in Amazing Fantasy from 1962 was a nice surprise, and a great nod to comic buffs. He'south non a bad character, either. His ability to create critical tiles gives him a overnice punch.


110. Blackness Widow (Modern): This version of Black Widow is one of the very few one-star characters that has utility in higher ranks. When used as a Team-Up, her ability to stun an enemy for v turns is supremely useful, and can often turn the tide of a boxing.


109. Iron Man (Model 35): With Iron Man 35, players showtime to run into the typical build for characters in higher ranks. He'due south got a full spread of three powers and some diversity in his abilities. He'due south a good all-arounder, and players starting out can't go wrong with him.


108. Juggernaut (Classic): He's the biggest fish in a pocket-size swimming. Juggs has a lot of health, he dishes out a (relative) ton of damage, and he's got a practiced lath-milkshake which tin earn some cascade matches and get rid of enemy tiles. This guy is the ticket to getting into two-star.

Two-Star Characters


107. Spider-Homo (Pocketbook-Man): He is the worst, the worst, the worst. Not only does he look similar a total dork, his powers are worthless and they cost a lot to utilise. He is an absolute disgrace and a failure from any perspective.


106. Bullseye (Dark Avengers): This version of Bullseye is even so another low-ranker whose powers cost too much for what they practise, although he does have some use thanks to his passive ability to create defense tiles anytime anyone matches majestic. Notwithstanding, it's non enough to brand him worth using.


105. Steve Rogers (Captain America): The simply trouble with this version of Cap America is that he's just too weak. Creating defense tiles is fine and his ability to override enemy tiles is peachy, just his attack is absolutely toothless. Forget vibranuim, his shield is and then weak that it's apparently a repainted whoopee absorber.


104. Daken (Dark Avengers): Wolverine Jr. is underwhelming from whatever perspective. His cocky-healing isn't enough to keep him alive, his hits are soft, and while his power to create strike tiles is somewhat useful, his daddy still isn't proud of him.


103. Moonstone (Nighttime Avengers): Moonstone is frustrating. When the AI uses her, she's surprisingly constructive. When used by the histrion, she's unremarkably a letdown. The randomness ruins her tile-moving ability and her attack depends on having a red-heavy lath, merely stealing tiles tin turn a loss into a win against much stronger enemies.


102. Human Torch (Johnny Storm): The Torch is totally centre-of-the-road. He'south got decent offense capabilities, but his black cannibalizes his own team's power and his dark-green relies on the player to constantly make more light-green matches. He'due south a bit high maintenance.


101. Wolverine (Astonishing X-Men): I like the costume this version of Wolverine is wearing, and if he's the last grapheme continuing, his claws gain quite a bit of power for a knockout slash. His healing ability is disappointing, though… He gets KO'd a lot quicker than a good Logan should.


100. Helm Curiosity (Ms. Marvel): This Captain Marvel is only constructive in very specific situations. Her destruction of shield tiles and supersonic attack aren't anything to write home about, but she makes a ridiculous number of Team-Up tiles which create cascades and pays for high-cost abilities to be used.


99. Thor (Curiosity At present!): 2-star Thor is a solid graphic symbol, simply a little boring. He'due south exactly the same equally his bigger three-star brother, except that he'south simply plain weaker accommodating. Not a bad pick, but not a groovy option, either.


98. Storm (Classic): Although her powers are a bit on the expensive side, Storm tin can gain AP to help herself forth, and her blue power is devastating. Not only does information technology impairment the entire squad, the five-turn stun is a huge amount of time to knock an enemy out.


97. Hawkeye (Modern): Now we're getting to the good stuff. If the histrion tin brand a lucifer-v, Hawk creates a series of tiles which do massive impairment. It obliterates enemies, only in order to get the job done predictably, he needs to either exist absurdly lucky, or to squad up with…


96. Magneto (Curiosity NOW!): …This guy! Magneto's purple ability is a perfect complement to Hawkeye since information technology lets him hands create match-5s. His cerise likewise does a healthy chunk of harm, but his real value is in existence BFFs with Clint. They are a supreme philharmonic in this tier.


95. Blackness Widow (Original): This spider has some bite! Her blackness boosts the match impairment she does, so every move is stronger than nearly in this tier, she can too steal power from the enemy team, and her blueish ability delays enemy actions or heals the friendly team. She's all-around useful in whatever situation.


94. Ares (Dark Avengers): Now this is a guy to watch out for. His yellow is a hefty hitting, his crimson smacks the enemy team, and the power of his dark-green is multiplied by how many green matches he makes. After saving upward enough green, he can accept the kneecaps out from under anyone.

Three-Star Characters


93. Sentry (Dark Avengers): He may look like he but stepped out of a salon, only he's non as fabulous as his pilus. Sentry used to exist devastating, but a nerf knocked him down quite a few pegs. His powers damage his own team without commensurate assault ability, then there'south no reason to use him.


92. Spider-Man (Classic): Peter Parker deserves better than this. His web bandages heal allies, only it doesn't do enough to be a large factor, and the same goes for his defense tiles. His nerfed spider web-stun isn't a threat anymore, either. Amazing Spiderman? More than similar amazingly ineffective.


91. Colossus (Archetype): For a guy fabricated of steel, you lot'd think he'd exist tougher. Even at full strength, his main attack isn't worrisome, his "fastball special" is besides random, and while his ability to tank for the squad is great, it's not corking enough to ignore the fact that his other powers underperform.


ninety. Ragnarok (Dark Avengers): Poor Rags. Back in the day he was a existent rough client, but you'd never know it at present. He'southward got no real upside apart from making a few charged tiles, and he also damages his teammates. What a loser.


89. Beast (Classic): The Beast is a another character that lacks any real upside. His in-game animation is poor, all of his abilities are weak, and even after one buff, he's even so terrible. Other than being covered in pleasant-looking fur, he's a wash.


88. Gamora (Guardians of the Milky way): This Guardian doesn't bring much to the table. She's a fast attacker with low-price strikes, but they're not large hits. Her assail-increment ability is only useful in limited situations, and her stun is okay, only not enough to earn her a spot on a squad.


87. Psylocke (Classic): I feel bad for Betsy. When she debuted, her power to create tiles that deal damage each turn was unique, simply she was immediately outclassed in the same category by Blade. She may be a fan favorite, but she's not a favorite here.


86. Md Octopus (Otto Octavius): Otto'southward an undervalued graphic symbol. While he's terrible in PVP, he shines in PVE with an ability to create attack tiles by destroying enemy tiles. Information technology's surprisingly powerful, especially when teamed up with Professor X.


85. The Punisher (Dark Reign) : The Punisher has one awesome power and two garbage ones, which brand it difficult to prioritize him. Being able to i-shot weakened foes is superb in boss fights, but he's a misfire otherwise.


84. Vision (Android Avenger): With the ability to change density as needed, The Vision is one of the most complicated characters in the game. His versatility offers options, but he'due south held back by being also slow to adapt to changing conditions.


83. Rocket & Groot (Most Wanted): This pair is great at tanking thanks to Groot's ability to regenerate huge amounts of health. Rocket'southward tinkering skill makes strong buffing tiles, too. It's a neat interpretation of the characters.


82. Storm (Mohawk): Her hailstorm is vicious in matches that run for a long time, but I've always thought that she was more often than not underpowered, non to mention she's pretty squishy. She's all correct as a supporting character, but she tin can't comport a squad.


81. Daken (Classic): Created in the catamenia when the developers were notwithstanding carbon-copying characters in different tiers, he'southward exactly the aforementioned as his one-star iteration, but stronger. So basically, he'south fine. His but real use is to make a lot of attack tiles for characters that employ them.


eighty. Human Torch (Classic): Another hero that'south exactly the aforementioned as his two-star version. Even so pretty solid every bit an aggressor, but energy cannibalization remains an issue. All-time teamed with characters who don't use the colors he burns.


79. She-Hulk (Modern): For a character who's big and greenish, information technology's ironic that her best power isn't concrete. Her energy-draining scream is to be avoided at all costs, and she wreaks havoc on teams that make tiles with her legal-themed steal. Who needs muscles?


78. Medico Doom (Classsic): Doom is solid support with the occasional huge hit. He tin can create a ton of blackness while also denying blue, his demons tin can chip a team downward, and if he's able to stay on the board long plenty, his diabolical plotting tin hit for an enormous corporeality of damage.


77. Squirrel Girl (Unbeatable): Although some may disagree, I find Squirrel Girl to be more than fun than constructive. That said, what's not to like about sending an army of squirrels out to overrun your enemies? That's worth a lot for the novelty lonely.


76. Daredevil (Man Without Fear): Using Daredevil takes a scrap of finesse and great timing, only a win with him is incredibly satisfying. He's not the strongest or almost consequent, but his tricky trap tiles make him one of the about enjoyable to employ.


75. Quicksilver (Pietro Maximoff): This speedster has more board control than anyone else in the game, and when used effectively it can lead to making several moves in a row. It's the match-three equivalent of making your enemy look like they're standing nonetheless.


74. Bullseye (Classic): He might be a flake unhinged, but he's another character with superior board control. Throwing knives at specific tiles is incredibly useful, and tossing an enemy's weapon back at them is simply as practiced.


73. Mystique (Raven Darkholme): Raven is a bit of a dark horse. While her blueish ability is garbage considering it'southward likewise random, her ability to stun and steal is effective. If she maintains her embrace and is able to take a shot while in disguise, it's a killer one.

Three-Star Characters, Continued


72. Blackness Widow (Greyness Conform): While all of her abilities are on the expensive side, they're worth it. Creating huge amounts of light-green is peachy, her sniper rifle amercement the unabridged enemy team, and her pistol can target specific areas of the board. She's a useful equally her comics inspiration.


71. The Hulk (Indestructible): One of the best meat shields in the game. He's got a huge corporeality of life and every time he takes damage, he generates green. Once he's pissed, the cascades just keep on coming. He doesn't hit every bit hard as 1 might wait, simply he'due south still useful on


70. Black Panther (T'Challa): The Wakandan male monarch'south blue power is a bosom, just his yellow is great for a quick increase in attack strength, and his black is nothing to fool effectually with. When those claws rake the enemy team, someone'southward going down.


69. Blade (Daywalker): What's the board conditions are right for Blade, he'southward absolutely devastating. A red-heavy board drives his bloodlust up, and when he's in frenzy, his assault tiles have huge chunks out of enemies every plow. Even the toughest enemies will exist drained to expiry earlier long.


68. The Hood (Classic): Like Moonstone, The Hood is a character who seems deadly when the AI uses him, and never feels every bit effective when I exercise. His energy steal is nice and his dual-wielding xanthous attack is strong, but he just never seems to work out.


67. Loki (Dark Reign): He's terrible in PVE and awful when defending in PVP, just he can be used to bully result when used offensively against other players. The AI just can't resist making a match-four, which leads straight to them hamstringing themselves by letting Loki steal all of their energy.


66. Sam Wilson (Falcon): One of the best support characters in this tier. His falcon'southward ability to auto-remove enemy special tiles is great, and his buffing is only second to Professor X. He can't lead a team, but he absolutely shines as a 2nd banana.


65. Wolverine (Patch): The 3-star tier is the first time Wolverine really has a healing ability that's like to what he has in the comics. His berserker rage can end matches quickly, but if used at the wrong time, it easily backfires. Information technology's a chip dicey, only so is Logan.


64. Luke Cage (Hero for Rent): E'er a solid choice, Luke's uppercut is devastating if he can get information technology off while his team is still alive, and having constant shielding is always a plus. He's got astonishing synergy with Iron Fist (naturally!) then the philharmonic is tough to beat.


63. Thor (Modern): The god of thunder is somewhat unique in that all his powers chain together. The cerise feeds the yellow, yellow feeds the green, and the dark-green delivers the smackdown. This level of focus doesn't popular upwardly often, but it's like the building storms he'southward god of.


62. Captain Marvel (Modern): If you enquire me, she's one of the most underrated characters in the game. If she's at the right level to tank, she can generate a agglomeration of free energy for her team, and having a stun that likewise delivers solid damage is ever usable. Plus, cheque her sneer. And so fierce!


61. Doctor Strange (Stephen Strange): He's the newest grapheme in the game, so there are nevertheless enough of questions surrounding him. Even so, having an automated attack and heal when enemies use powers is nix to sneeze at. He seems to have a college degree of control than other three-stars.


60. Magneto (Classic): A dandy addition to any team, Magneto tin basically stand on his own. With a mix of limited board control, heavy damage and defense tiles, he'southward the full bundle.


59. Deadpool (It'southward Me, Deadpool!): I think this version of Deadpool was the outset time the humor of Puzzle Quest came through. I mean, ninja whales that can one-shot any team in the game? And yous have to pay him in-game currency to employ it? Information technology's kind of a laugh anarchism.


58. Steve Rogers (Super Soldier): It takes a flake for this old soldier to warm up, but one time he gets rolling, he's fantastic. He can recycle AP to subsidize the cost of his powers, and beingness able to overwrite whatsoever tile stops enemies in their tracks.


57. Kamala Khan (Ms. Curiosity): She tin can make tons of purple to feed herself or characters that employ it, she can smack the unabridged squad with behemothic fists, and she heals every fourth dimension a teammate fires off a power. She's awesome.


56. Cyclops (Uncanny Ten-Men): Scott Summers is a red-making auto, his zaps bargain out big harm, and when he takes the visor off and lets loose, he can level a mountain.


55. Cherry Witch (Wanda Maximoff): Wanda's green power is a wash, but her others make up for information technology. Automatically generating imperial is a huge, and her reality crush can accept a character out of the equation for 5 turns — basically an eternity. She'southward a superstar.


54. Atomic number 26 Fist (Immortal Weapon): All of Danny Rand'due south powers are keen. He tin can create lots of black, his punch is powerful and fast, and he generates an automatic set on tile free of charge. He is the all-time, and fifty-fifty better paired with Luke Cage.


53. Iron Man (Model twoscore): This version of Tony's armor went from being 1 of the worst characters in the game to 1 of the best. His ability to generate a huge amount of power is unparalleled, and his chest axle is a huge attack. He'southward an accented must-have and the backbone of energy-hungry teams.

Four-Star Characters


52. Invisible Woman (Classic): She may exist a four-star, but that doesn't mean she's any proficient. She started off terrible, and even later on a buff she'southward yet the pits. She's every bit bad equally Yelena or Pocketbook-Human, with increased match damage beingness her only advantage.


51. Mr. Fantastic (Reed Richards): Ironically, Reed is just every bit terrible as his wife. Ostensibly meant to support fellow members of the Fantastic Four, he ended up as an ineffectual mess, and has aught to recommend him.


50. Sam Wilson (Captain America): When Sam comes crashing downward from the sky, information technology's an earth-shattering hit. The problem is that it takes a long time and a lot of energy to go there, and it'southward just too like shooting fish in a barrel to stop him from edifice upwardly enough steam.


49. Venom (Eddie Brock): This Venom is definitely amend than the other version, just he's congenital specifically to counter enemy special tiles. It makes him too specialized, and mostly useless in most matchups.


48. Devil Dinosaur (Gigantic Reptile): When it comes to nostalgic favorites, this guy is tops! I hateful, he's a giant dinosaur, how awesome is that? On the other paw, all he really does is bite stuff, so his repertoire is limited. Nonetheless, a dinosaur!


47. Drax (The Destroyer): This guy seems tough, only he'south got problems. Catastrophe the plow when he uses his purple ability is a large downside, he removes his own squad's special tiles, and his blood-red is most powerful when the enemy most total wellness. Get some counseling, dude.


46. Gwenpool (Gwen Poole) She'due south verging on being a gag character. Sending her teammates airborne has limited employ also being funny, and her main ability is then complicated that people have actually created spreadsheets to know how to use information technology. Plus, dumb name.


45. Howard The Duck (Howard, A Duck): Anybody thought the developers were kidding when they said Howard was coming to the game, but he made it, and he'due south non half bad. Being able to take off his clothes and blend in with other ducks is a lot more than constructive than you might remember.


44. Spider-Gwen (Gwen Stacy): This Gwen's got a mean punch, just her main use is to team upwardly with other Spider-based characters. She's not bad, but when the board is covered in webbing, lookout man out.


43. Moon Knight (Marc Spector): This guy's mental wellness bleeds into his powers in a corking twist since they have a lot of randomness to them. On the other paw, randomness isn't too welcome in a game like this, just he is skillful for a hoot.


42. Kate Bishop (Eagle): She's a pretty straightforward impairment dealer. Not outstanding whatsoever respect, but very solid and can hold her own. Plus, she has a pet named Pizza-Dog, so she's got that (and boomerangs) in the plus column.


41. Luke Cage (Ability Homo): Very few characters can create fortified tiles (they need to be matched twice) and Luke is all about helping the team shore up their defenses and keeping what defenses they have. He's quite new so his total value is notwithstanding to be revealed.


40. Military (James Rhodes): Rhodey makes a lot of countdown tiles which can exist matched to negate their furnishings, so it makes him a gamble to utilize. He's too able to affluent out invisible characters though, and then he's a neat counter to enemies that like to hide.


39. Blade (Modern): This version of Blade is another newcomer to the game, so he's still a fairly unknown quantity. The only thing that'south immediately clear is that his artwork is terrible. I actually hope his visuals go a revamp because he looks like garbage.


38. Miles Morales (Spider-Man): I dig this character a lot. Passively generating energy when his webs get destroyed is smashing, and going invisible is always a huge reward in almost situations. Hibernate and seek? More than similar hide and dial you in the face up.


37. Winter Soldier (Bucky Barnes): Bucky strikes a practiced balance between being a finesse grapheme and ane that's merely generally useful. Tossing a grenade and and then shooting it out of midair is dominate, and sniping away enemy energy slows them down, so a scrap of control is great.


36. Spider-Adult female (Jessica Drew): Damage abstention and reduction abilities don't seem get much love in this game, simply I'1000 a big fan. Similar Elektra, Jessica can negate a ton of incoming impairment, and I doubtable that about players haven't discovered what an advantage that is however.


35. Wasp (Janet Van Dyne): Janet is a neat support. Constantly stealing energy from the enemy every turn is quite helpful, and when she'south teamed up with characters who create tiles, existence able to switch their office while buffing them is also a large boost for the team.


34. The Hulk (Totally Awesome): Amadeus is a success story showing the programmer's commitment to constantly improving the game. His first version was a train wreck, but he'due south gotten quite respectable now, and people hardly e'er brand fun of his hair anymore.


33. Ten-23 (All-New Wolverine): She may non take the killing power of Wolverine, simply she's got some of the best healing in the game. She can have hitting after hit later on hit and continue on coming, so she's a fantastic anchor for any team.


32. Star-Lord (Legendary Outlaw): Successful developer rehab story, part 2. His new passive ability lowers power costs for teammates, leading to faster attacks and quicker wins. He's got a mean sucker dial, too. Popular in that mixtape and let him loose!


31. Ghost Rider (Johnny Bonfire): Although Ghost Rider is one of my favorite characters in the comics, he's only middling hither. His black power is one of the well-nigh powerful in the entire game, but his other two abilities aren't great. He's super useful against bosses, but not so much otherwise.


30. Wolverine (X-Force): A lot of people think he'southward due for a buff, and I can't say that I disagree. His healing doesn't always work, and his green power is so weak information technology's a joke. He'southward great with teamed up with the four-star version of Deadpool, but it's easy to take this Logan downward before the claws come out.


29. Carnage (Cletus Kasady): A raging psychopath, Carnage does as much damage to his own squad as he does to enemies. He's a bang-up deterrent in PVP because no one wants to fight him, but using him isn't a guaranteed win, either. Still, that deterrent factor alone is pretty significant.


28. Quake (Daisy Johnson): She seems to have lost some fans lately, but her unique ability to reduce or eliminate area-of-outcome damage makes her key against enemies who dear to hit the unabridged team. Red Hulk, schmed hulk.


27. Elektra (Unkillable): Some other grapheme who's vastly underrated. Her black ability negates admittedly any attack, she can cut Old Man Logan down by turning his claws against him, and her cerise volition bleed characters to death in a bustle. She'south bang-up!


26. Nick Fury (Director of S.H.I.East.L.D.): Nick doesn't mess effectually. His pistol is of a very large caliber, and if enemies manage accident up two of his explosives at the same time, it'southward oftentimes a team wipe. Plus, calling in the Avengers is supremely cool.


25. Kingpin (Wilson Fisk): Fisk is ruthless. He doesn't seem like much at starting time, but before enemies know it, their free energy has been drained and there are a dozen thugs at his command on the lath. Fear the finger.


24. Professor X (Charles Xavier): Chuck is quite possibly the best support character in the ranks. His ability to buff friendly special tiles tin can create ludicrously stiff attacks, and information technology'south hard to go him off the board when he goes invisible. He's key to several winning strategies.


23. The Matter (Archetype): Ben is ane of my favorites because he's an insurance policy. Many squishy characters take great powers, but they take chances getting one-shotted by heavy hitters. If Ben'south around, he'll jump in front of any strong attack and have the heat before throwing up a ton of defense tiles afterwards.


22. Ant-Human (Scott Lang): This guy is tops when information technology comes to special tiles. He can make them, he tin can steal them, and when he rapidly increases in size, his uppercut is a knockout. His animations are really nifty, too!


21. Nova (Sam Alexander): Some other nifty estimation of a comics character. Nova'due south powers come up fast and furious as he zooms around the battlefield. Being able to rocket-boost an enemy into the sky is too incredibly useful since some characters are allowed to being stunned. His crazy flying is a way around that!


20. Iron Homo (Hulkbuster): 1 of the mainstays of the game. Like Ares, he can pump himself full of his favored colour (in this case, red) and deliver blows with astronomical force. And, of course, he's quite a tank. Just look how armored he is!


19. The Punisher (Max): Frank works best alone, and information technology comes through in his powers. He proceeds force past knocking out his own teammates and lone wolfing information technology, and his attacks become even stronger when he'due south going one-on-one with an opponent. Don't mess with this guy.


18. Cyclops (Archetype): Iv-star Scott is one of the most elegant characters, and strategic employ of his powers leads to dominating victories. By carefully choosing his targets, his turns can be extended for quite some time, never giving enemies a chance to recover.


17. Jean Grayness (All-New X-Men): Some other mainstay of Puzzle Quest, Teen Jean is notable considering all of her abilities are area-of-outcome, and they've got quite a bite at high levels. When her dorsum'south up, she can cut downwards a whole squad before they even know what happened.


16. Ruby-red Hulk (Thunderbolt Ross): Red Blob is an absolute monster. Solely focused on sucking up gamma radiations and crushing whatever'due south in front of him, he only does i affair, only he does it extremely well.


15. Thor (Goddess of Thunder): Like other powerhouses, she's a chip of a wearisome starter, just when she's gets rolling, she's unstoppable. Her hammer Mjolnir delivers devastating hits after whipping up a storm of charged tiles, and she tin wipe out whole teams on her ain.


fourteen. Deadpool (Uncanny X-Strength): With a hefty sword strike that also heals him for a huge amount of health, the ability to retaliate whenever his teammates are injured, and powerful bombs that target the enemy's strongest colors, Wade is deadly from whatever angle.


13. Peggy Carter (Captain America): She'southward so fierce that just showing upwardly on the battlefield makes enemies quiver and increases their ability costs. It's a massive advantage. Combine that with a dial that ignores protection tiles and reinforcements that open up fire, and it'southward easy to run across why she's at the summit of well-nigh-wanted lists.


12. Iceman (All-New X-Men): He may look like a snowfall-covered dork, just he'due south really a murder machine. Freezing enemies for four turns neutralizes almost anyone, his icy dial is staggering, and his green AOE rocks the house. He is a low-temperature forcefulness to be reckoned with.

Five-Star Characters


11. Steve Rogers (First Avenger): He might be a great against enemies that make a lot of special tiles, simply he doesn't have a lot of rut to bring otherwise. In this tier it takes a lot to hang, and Steve struggles to keep upwardly.


10. Silverish Surfer (Skyrider): The Surfer's recent vitrify was a definite improvement, but he'south still not making Galactus happy enough. Healing is great and making charged tiles is nice, simply it still leaves him at the rear of the pack.


9. The Hulk (Bruce Banner): It took a while, just this is finally the interpretation of that Hulk fans were waiting for. Seeing Bruce transform into the iconic raging monster was worth the wait, though… It's about like getting two characters for the price of one.


8. Black Bolt (Inhuman King): Bolt is a true leader, and he helps his teammates operate at the limits of their abilities. As if enhanced performance wasn't enough, his scream can clear the entire lath of every single tile. He kills at karaoke… literally.


7. Iron Man (Mark XLVI): This adapt's ability to call in extra, unmanned armor gives Stark quite a bit of protection. (Trust me, it's absolutely infuriating to fight against it.) His repulsor beams are strong, and he tin create a ton of cascades. Mark XLVI is well-tuned.


six. Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff): This Natasha is a complicated girl. All of her abilities have conditions that apply based on a host of different factors like the health of teammates, the energy level of enemies or number of special tiles on the board. Basically, she's total of prissy surprises.


5. Jean Grey (Phoenix): While her assail is strong and ability to make cherry is great, what makes her a existent threat is the power to resurrect after death, and when she comes back, she's pissed. Players who mistakenly have her out too shortly only to see her ascension again volition really regret it.


4. Doctor Strange (Magician Supreme): As a tweaked version of his 3-star cocky, I suspect the Doc will be one to be wary of. He retains his auto-assault when enemies use a power, but he'due south much tougher on special tiles now. His Eye of Agamotto can't fall off the board and tin't be matched abroad!


iii. Spider-Homo (Dorsum In Black): Using shadows to disappear when enemies are stunned, it's hard to country a hit on this Spidey. He pops in and out, and powers up when enemies aren't looking. He tin can also toss a auto through whatsoever protection tiles, and then he's got brute force, also.


2. Light-green Goblin (Norman Osborn): This Halloween-themed menace is a serious threat thank you to a diversity of actor-selected pumpkin bombs with various furnishings and the ability to speed up and fortify tiles. Getting hit with his delinquent glider is a massive smackdown, as well. Run, Spidey!


i. Wolverine (Old Man Logan): This crusty mutant survivor is the end-all, exist-all of Puzzle Quest. He's got 2 sets of powers, he automatically creates power-upwards tiles, and his healing ability is the strongest around. He tanks, he kills, and he endures. He is the absolute best at what he does, and what he does… is Puzzle Quest!

Brad Gallaway is the managing editor of, and a member of the Southward.H.I.Eastward.50.D alliance. Follow him on Twitter @BradGallaway.


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